Our mission

Our mission

Our mission

With our expertise and passion for brands, we develop high-quality consumer goods into market leaders.

We manage a diverse portfolio of international partner brands as well as our own regional brands. Many of these are champions within their respective categories and are characterised by exceptional quality and ingenuity.

As a certified food broker, we continuously invest in our teams and infrastructure in line with our uncompromising service quality.


We create outstanding brands in Europe that improve food supply and quality of life. To this end, we work with Austrian partners as well as partners in other countries. That’s how we achieve our ambitious goals.



Partnership is a prerequisite for growth. We are convinced that working together alongside employees, customers and service providers is what moves us forward. We always endeavour to find suitable solutions and encourage constructive dialogue. Solidarity and team spirit make this possible.


Our experience has shown us that we can trust our employees. Anyone able to act on their own initiative is motivated and flourishes. And we trust our partners in the same way. This creates a wonderful atmosphere of togetherness where we overcome challenges side by side.


When it comes to quality, nothing but the highest standards will do. We understand that long-term success is only possible if products, services and processes meet these standards. Our employees and partners live up to these expectations on a daily basis.


Looking to the future is part of our past. We’ve always seen innovation in all areas as the foundation for dynamic development and success. Product development, brand management and the continuous digitalisation of all structures and processes are kept constantly under scrutiny and are always at the cutting edge.